
This document is the output of a reproducible workflow for the bibliometric and topic analysis supporting the submitted publication. Included in the repository hosted on figshare is the source code and additional analyses including figures not included in the main text.

Corpus overview

Publication types (books, artilces…) before filtering

Plotting results before filtering


Initial results: 1827

  • Filtering to keep: “Article”, “Review”, “Book Chapter”, “Book”, “Conference Paper”, “Note”

  • Filtering to remove results with no abstract/text to analyse

After filtering: 1683 remain.

Table of results

Results after filtering.

date range of results: 1997-01-01, 2021-12-01

Publications through time

Figure truncated to 2020.

Table of the number of publications through time.

Publications through time normalised to 2010: Shows the growth of publications on climate justice (dark purple) relative to publications in all of science (red) and the environment subject area (blue). Figure truncated to 2020.

Mean number of authors through time

Table of mean authors through time:

Most productive authors

Most cited papers

Most productive countries

Corpus analysis

Most common words in abstracts.

Exploratory plot. No surprises, good check for unexpected common words.

Most common word pairs in abstracts

Network of word pairs

Network graph of most commonly joined words. “Note that this is a visualization of a Markov chain, a common model in text processing, where the choice of a word only depends on its previous word”.

The bigram count values have been log transformed to show a stronger colour gradient in the visualisation but the labels show the true count.

Correlating word pairs

Shows expected result; however, individual abstracts too small to be robust. Ultimately excluded as unnecessary from final results.

The following is bigrams grouped by article rather than all article abstracts. Probably not useful to analyse per abstract but highlights some possible filtering is necessary on abstract texts?

Author keywords

Most common keywords used by Authors. 494 documents out of 1683 do not have keywords.

Frequency of search terms in abstract over time

Shows strong patterns in search terms over time (note that there are only a few publications in early years). Excluded from main text as the focus of the work is on trends in topics.


To explore the topics within the corpus, search terms (climate, change, justice, social, environmental, global, and warming) have been excluded from the topic model. Other frequent but not meaningful terms (i.e., article, research and studies) have also been removed.

## A topic model with 6 topics, 1683 documents and a 9620 word dictionary.
## Topic 1 Top Words:
##       Highest Prob: educ, sustain, food, student, scienc, book, agricultur 
##       FREX: student, farmer, speci, heritag, creativ, teacher, soil 
##       Lift: agroecolog, ander, apocalypt, aquif, attrit, author’, beck 
##       Score: educ, student, book, teach, food, music, teacher 
## Topic 2 Top Words:
##       Highest Prob: sustain, develop, approach, issu, human, paper, practic 
##       FREX: tourism, philosophi, sdg, literatur, concept, ethic, conceptu 
##       Lift: confucian, mayan, ecg, ecumen, encycl, ontolog, philosophi 
##       Score: ethic, tourism, sustain, moral, daylight, human, ecg 
## Topic 3 Top Words:
##       Highest Prob: polici, develop, emiss, countri, intern, carbon, mitig 
##       FREX: financ, unfccc, parti, compens, eu, agreement, cap 
##       Lift: 0.04, 0.12, 1,227, 10.2, 1011, 104, 105 
##       Score: emiss, carbon, unfccc, compens, agreement, pari, negoti 
## Topic 4 Top Words:
##       Highest Prob: adapt, health, commun, vulner, urban, impact, risk 
##       FREX: heat, exposur, resid, censu, urban, extrem, citi 
##       Lift: 0.001, 0.002, 0.006, 0.008, 0.010, 0.013, 0.016 
##       Score: health, urban, adapt, heat, exposur, flood, citi 
## Topic 5 Top Words:
##       Highest Prob: polit, movement, energi, power, govern, frame, commun 
##       FREX: contest, feminist, divest, labour, transit, redd, intersect 
##       Lift: agit, attun, auster, corpu, drr, fff, guilt 
##       Score: movement, activist, energi, redd, transit, divest, feminist 
## Topic 6 Top Words:
##       Highest Prob: right, human, law, indigen, peopl, legal, resourc 
##       FREX: coal, court, litig, jurisdict, law, cc, tribal 
##       Lift: abrupt, adger, adjoin, ai, amend, backward, biocapac 
##       Score: law, litig, right, court, legal, coal, indigen

LDA loop

Four to ten topics

Topics 4

Topic 1 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: sustain, human, indigen, issu, health, educ, natur 
     FREX: student, book, disciplin, religi, teach, profession, nurs 
     Lift: 150, 1948, 1988, aag, academi, accredit, activist' 
     Score: student, educ, health, book, teach, nurs, food 
Topic 2 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: polit, polici, paper, approach, adapt, respons, argu 
     FREX: discours, tourism, liber, moral, domin, frame, norm 
     Lift: 1,227, 120000, 12th, 148, 1850, 188, 1969 
     Score: discours, adapt, ethic, theori, moral, frame, norm 
Topic 3 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: commun, adapt, vulner, urban, health, impact, risk 
     FREX: urban, flood, heat, exposur, resid, coastal, household 
     Lift: 0.010, 10.4, 100,000, 2047, 2051, 21.7, 35 
     Score: urban, health, flood, heat, exposur, adapt, citi 
Topic 4 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: develop, emiss, intern, energi, countri, right, carbon 
     FREX: law, agreement, fossil, pari, coal, court, litig 
     Lift: 140, 1978, 1994, 1995, 43, 77, abnorm 
     Score: emiss, law, carbon, pari, agreement, litig, intern 

Topics 5

Topic 1 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: adapt, polici, emiss, develop, carbon, countri, mitig 
     FREX: emiss, redd, compens, ghg, carbon, forest, budget 
     Lift: 43, administ, approach’, avers, barlei, beset, biocapac 
     Score: adapt, emiss, carbon, redd, mitig, financ, compens 
Topic 2 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: polit, action, movement, understand, frame, discours, power 
     FREX: frame, intersect, discours, nepal, scholarship, contest, narr 
     Lift: agit, anxiou, apwld, archaeologi, attun, britain, broadsheet 
     Score: frame, movement, polit, seal, activist, discours, narr 
Topic 3 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: sustain, develop, econom, energi, polici, govern, intern 
     FREX: tourism, eu, sdg, divest, sustain, coal, economi 
     Lift: 1978, 1995, ab, actant, activist', āina, aloha 
     Score: sustain, divest, tourism, economi, green, energi, negoti 
Topic 4 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: human, right, indigen, ethic, issu, natur, educ 
     FREX: philosophi, creativ, teacher, mathemat, aviat, cours, nonhuman 
     Lift: literari, philosophi, 1,000, 1,650, 1.2, 10.1002, 100000 
     Score: right, student, indigen, ethic, teach, educ, philosophi 
Topic 5 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: health, commun, urban, vulner, impact, citi, risk 
     FREX: citi, flood, heat, exposur, resid, sea, weather 
     Lift: 35, 61, 65, 69, 76, acr, allerg 
     Score: health, urban, flood, heat, exposur, wildfir, censu 

Topics 6

Topic 1 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: emiss, right, intern, countri, respons, human, develop 
     FREX: law, legal, unfccc, court, litig, compens, duti 
     Lift: 1995, 43, 77, abnorm, aep, amend, angai 
     Score: emiss, law, redd, carbon, pari, unfccc, litig 
Topic 2 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: health, sustain, human, food, system, environ, develop 
     FREX: nurs, covid, chemic, healthi, child, contamin, biolog 
     Lift: 05, 07, 1,000, 1,650, 1.2, 100000, 1018 
     Score: health, nurs, food, seal, exposur, sdg, compost 
Topic 3 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: urban, vulner, commun, citi, risk, impact, water 
     FREX: flood, heat, resid, coastal, sea, censu, neighborhood 
     Lift: 61, 69, aborigin, ada, adjoin, allerg, ambient 
     Score: urban, flood, citi, heat, coastal, censu, wildfir 
Topic 4 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: polit, human, ethic, issu, frame, understand, movement 
     FREX: essai, philosophi, narr, interdepend, nonhuman, youth, book 
     Lift: 1029, 1046, 116, 118, 12th, 144, 160 
     Score: student, ethic, divest, educ, book, prince’, narr 
Topic 5 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: energi, indigen, polit, econom, develop, movement, economi 
     FREX: energi, renew, tourism, capitalist, fossil, transit, fuel 
     Lift: redistribut, 0.04, 0.12, 1,474.21, 1,895.41, 104, 120 
     Score: energi, fossil, fuel, transit, indigen, economi, ecg 
Topic 6 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: adapt, polici, develop, commun, approach, govern, sustain 
     FREX: literatur, particip, adapt, review, process, ej, equiti 
     Lift: abrupt, attende, bibliometr, burner, cb, ccd, devolv 
     Score: adapt, particip, literatur, procedur, daylight, ccd, govern 

Topics 7

Topic 1 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: health, educ, issu, student, commun, scienc, action 
     FREX: student, tourism, teach, nurs, covid, divest, teacher 
     Lift: accredit, activist', adolesc, agit, ai, anxiou, biomed 
     Score: health, educ, student, nurs, teacher, teach, seal 
Topic 2 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: sustain, food, econom, develop, system, agricultur, natur 
     FREX: farmer, eco, sdg, crop, soil, agrarian, biolog 
     Lift: hopi, marshland, rm, 1987, agrarian, apartheid, biolog 
     Score: sustain, agricultur, food, biodivers, farmer, sdg, g 
Topic 3 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: polit, ethic, movement, understand, frame, theori, issu 
     FREX: philosophi, frame, discours, ethic, theori, narr, polit 
     Lift: ander, clement, limin, mayan, islam, literari, ontologi 
     Score: ethic, discours, prince’, theori, moral, philosophi, anthropocen 
Topic 4 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: adapt, polici, develop, govern, approach, sustain, local 
     FREX: adapt, literatur, govern, implement, equiti, capac, polici 
     Lift: acf, actant, angai, behav, bibliometr, cb, cbfm 
     Score: adapt, redd, procedur, daylight, forest, sustain, polici 
Topic 5 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: urban, vulner, commun, citi, risk, water, health 
     FREX: flood, heat, resid, censu, urban, citi, exposur 
     Lift: 61, 69, adger, adjoin, allerg, ambient, carolina 
     Score: urban, flood, heat, citi, exposur, health, wildfir 
Topic 6 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: emiss, energi, carbon, countri, develop, polici, mitig 
     FREX: emiss, carbon, ghg, cap, debt, energi, solar 
     Lift: avers, barlei, confucian, founder, itt, leakag, railroad 
     Score: emiss, carbon, energi, pari, ga, greenhous, agreement 
Topic 7 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: right, human, indigen, law, peopl, intern, legal 
     FREX: court, litig, pacif, right, indigen, law, sid 
     Lift: 27, austronesian, backward, cemeteri, cop25, court', courtroom 
     Score: right, indigen, law, litig, legal, court, damag 

Topics 8

Topic 1 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: sustain, develop, scienc, practic, issu, educ, approach 
     FREX: learn, scienc, student, educ, teacher, engin, gender 
     Lift: ccd, 112, 1890, 193, 1985, 2015a, 250 
     Score: educ, student, learn, sustain, teacher, teach, daylight 
Topic 2 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: water, food, resourc, sustain, system, develop, forest 
     FREX: food, forest, redd, farmer, biolog, agricultur, water 
     Lift: acid, adger, agroecolog, ampl, barlei, campesina, cbfm 
     Score: food, forest, water, redd, agricultur, farmer, crop 
Topic 3 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: emiss, countri, carbon, develop, polici, mitig, nation 
     FREX: cap, tax, emiss, greenhous, trade, ga, carbon 
     Lift: 0.12, 1,474.21, 1,895.41, 10,000, 10.2, 1011, 105 
     Score: emiss, carbon, greenhous, ga, ghg, cap, tax 
Topic 4 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: human, indigen, polit, world, cultur, ecolog, natur 
     FREX: tourism, creativ, religion, spiritu, christian, anthropocen, nonhuman 
     Lift: 111, 160, 1944, 1948, 1956, 1967, 1969 
     Score: indigen, seal, anthropocen, tourism, prince’, ecumen, inuit 
Topic 5 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: disast, flood, commun, vulner, heat, level, popul 
     FREX: flood, censu, hurrican, wildfir, reloc, tract, heat 
     Lift: µg, 0.001, 0.002, 0.006, 0.008, 0.010, 0.013 
     Score: flood, wildfir, heat, censu, disast, tract, coastal 
Topic 6 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: movement, energi, polit, transit, green, organ, action 
     FREX: protest, grassroot, divest, movement, coalit, transit, energi 
     Lift: 1,227, 1,663, 1018, 12th, 144, 15.3, 15.400 
     Score: movement, energi, divest, activist, protest, transit, youth 
Topic 7 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: adapt, health, vulner, commun, urban, impact, plan 
     FREX: health, adapt, plan, citi, resili, urban, capac 
     Lift: cca, dengu, 05, 1,053, 110, 113, 150,000 
     Score: health, adapt, urban, citi, vulner, resili, nurs 
Topic 8 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: right, respons, polit, human, intern, argu, govern 
     FREX: legal, right, law, claim, moral, norm, litig 
     Lift: llc, 100000, 1029, 1046, 116, 118, 148 
     Score: right, negoti, law, litig, moral, duti, ethic 

Topics 9

Topic 1 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: water, disast, flood, resourc, region, vulner, risk 
     FREX: settlement, drought, flood, disast, migrat, water, hurrican 
     Lift: adger, apwld, ca, darl, glacial, ik, intertempor 
     Score: flood, water, disast, migrat, drought, coastal, nepal’ 
Topic 2 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: commun, local, particip, project, govern, action, level 
     FREX: divest, commun, particip, local, project, participatori, interview 
     Lift: cc, cca, ccd, hei, 1,663, 144, 17,000 
     Score: commun, local, divest, particip, ccd, coastal, cbi 
Topic 3 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: polit, ethic, action, respons, frame, movement, understand 
     FREX: frame, ethic, narr, discours, moral, philosophi, polit 
     Lift: 1,227, 10.1002, 12th, 188, 1890, 1944, 1947 
     Score: ethic, frame, moral, movement, religi, narr, discours 
Topic 4 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: adapt, develop, polici, sustain, approach, urban, citi 
     FREX: adapt, literatur, ej, citi, capac, equiti, review 
     Lift: aristotelian, bibliometr, ccccjh, emerald, induct, mayan, paraguai 
     Score: adapt, urban, citi, plan, daylight, sustain, resili 
Topic 5 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: emiss, intern, polici, carbon, countri, develop, nation 
     FREX: redd, unfccc, litig, scheme, emiss, pari, negoti 
     Lift: 77, approach’, backward, bloc, cancun, canei, cbdr 
     Score: emiss, carbon, law, redd, pari, unfccc, negoti 
Topic 6 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: energi, educ, scienc, issu, student, transit, gender 
     FREX: engin, renew, teacher, teach, energi, student, mathemat 
     Lift: anthropologist, authent, broadsheet, criminologi, excel, gcc, ge 
     Score: energi, student, educ, engin, teach, teacher, learn 
Topic 7 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: indigen, fuel, fossil, world, peopl, movement, live 
     FREX: coal, mine, inuit, mother, music, seal, decolon 
     Lift: agit, author’, biogeochem, campesina, confucian, est, guilt 
     Score: indigen, fossil, coal, seal, inuit, prince’, mine 
Topic 8 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: health, urban, impact, vulner, popul, public, risk 
     FREX: health, heat, censu, wildfir, exposur, tract, incom 
     Lift: hrrlc, pm, summertim, turf, bioethic, cardiovascular, dengu 
     Score: health, heat, censu, exposur, tract, wildfir, urban 
Topic 9 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: human, sustain, right, econom, system, develop, food 
     FREX: labour, tourism, food, economi, right, liber, human 
     Lift: agroecolog, bacteri, barlei, behalf, clement, deter, enlighten 
     Score: food, right, tourism, sustain, human, ecg, compost 

Topics 10

Topic 1 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: health, urban, citi, heat, popul, public, impact 
     FREX: heat, toxic, nurs, censu, wildfir, urban, health 
     Lift: 10.4, 100,000, 2047, 2051, 21.7, 61, adjoin 
     Score: health, urban, heat, citi, censu, exposur, nurs 
Topic 2 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: natur, law, issu, resourc, human, nation, indigen 
     FREX: mine, ocean, epa, tribal, court, speci, declar 
     Lift: 0.04, 1,000, 1,650, 1.2, 100000, 104, 110th 
     Score: mine, court, epa, nepal’, law, king, nepal 
Topic 3 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: sustain, develop, system, water, food, econom, resourc 
     FREX: food, farmer, sdg, sustain, agricultur, gender, water 
     Lift: agrobiodivers, ai, bibliometr, compost, concomit, marshland, mayan 
     Score: sustain, food, water, agricultur, sdg, farmer, gender 
Topic 4 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: educ, human, indigen, student, issu, ethic, scienc 
     FREX: student, teach, creativ, teacher, inuit, cours, book 
     Lift: author’, dr, eschatologi, guilt, jenkin, laura, leopold 
     Score: student, educ, teacher, teach, inuit, book, seal 
Topic 5 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: commun, vulner, adapt, risk, plan, local, disast 
     FREX: coastal, sea, disast, vulner, flood, resili, reloc 
     Lift: abrupt, ada, apwld, cb, cca, ccd, cemeteri 
     Score: flood, adapt, coastal, vulner, disast, resili, sea 
Topic 6 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: right, intern, human, nation, develop, govern, negoti 
     FREX: redd, unfccc, kyoto, negoti, right, legal, regim 
     Lift: bloc, cbfm, devolv, eu', galleri, ironi, juliana 
     Score: redd, negoti, unfccc, pari, forest, law, right 
Topic 7 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: polici, adapt, approach, paper, impact, respons, address 
     FREX: literatur, polici, review, equiti, solut, dimens, implic 
     Lift: 148, 162, 1969, 290, 3.4, 3e', abm 
     Score: adapt, polici, procedur, literatur, approach, equiti, conceptu 
Topic 8 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: polit, movement, frame, discours, understand, action, relat 
     FREX: feminist, narr, intersect, frame, discours, tourism, domin 
     Lift: adorno, agit, anxiou, aristotelian, attun, authent, authorship 
     Score: movement, frame, discours, narr, feminist, tourism, daylight 
Topic 9 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: energi, carbon, fuel, green, emiss, fossil, transit 
     FREX: energi, fossil, divest, sid, aviat, fuel, renew 
     Lift: ander, birmingham, britain, csr, decommodif, decoupl, donald 
     Score: energi, fossil, carbon, fuel, divest, coal, emiss 
Topic 10 Top Words:
     Highest Prob: emiss, countri, principl, respons, ethic, mitig, distribut 
     FREX: compens, duti, fair, tax, moral, intergener, alloc 
     Lift: 1029, 1046, 116, 118, 194, 2025, 2056 
     Score: emiss, duti, compens, moral, carbon, ethic, alloc 

LDA tuning

Statistical methods for identifying the optimum number of topics.

LDA tuning 2

## fit models... done.
## calculate metrics:
##   Griffiths2004... done.
##   CaoJuan2009... done.
##   Arun2010... done.
##   Deveaud2014... done.

Gamma diagnostics

Checks on the result of Gamma.

Gamma through time

The Figure below shows the change in gamma through time per topic. Gamma is the probability of a document belonging to a given topic (\(k\)). The bars show the number of articles each year that belonged to that topic. Articles are considered as belonging to the topic for which they have the highest gamma.

Documents with highest Gamma per topic

Selecting top 10 documents with the highest Gamma per topic. More than

Top gamma per topic

Table of the 10 articles per topic that scored the highest gamma.

Author collaboration netrowk

Country/affiliation network

Country mentions in abstract

Most commonly mentioned countries in abstract. Some country names can be conflated with other words, e.g., Georgia the U.S. state or Georgia the country. However, conflating names is very unlikely to be an issue in this context.


The authors acknowledge the support from the Perry lab; André Bellvé, Jacqui Vanderhoorn, and especially George Perry and Finn Lee.